Scientists Are Now 3D Printing Tumors to Help Them Fight Cancer

IMG Courtesy: Engadget

Scientists 3D print living cells to help fight cancer.

3D printing can be very useful as then we are able to make new organs or create new skin for burn victims. So far, researchers are developing a process for researching cancer treatments to help find a better model. So far the researchers are still developing but anyone who wants to check on the process can find it in the Institute of Physics’ Biofabrication journal.

This can be very helpful as all the millions and millions of dollars that are being donated to find a cure for cancer might actually be able to accomplish what it was meant to do, which is to find a cure for cancer. Printing tumors in 3D will help us to be able to understand the growth of cells and will lead us one more step closer to the cure for cancer.

Source: Engadget

One thought on “Scientists Are Now 3D Printing Tumors to Help Them Fight Cancer

  1. Pingback: Medical Researchers are now using 3D printing for Tumors to find cure | OneTechAvenue

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